


You are Expected to Follow all of the Rules at all times. This is your Warning.
We expect you to use your Intellect in every scene you
Encounter, We will not list each Situation because these Rules are a General Guideline. Punishments are going to be
decided by your lack of Sensibility.

Basic Decency & Respect:

While our goal is to foster a roleplaying experience free
from constraints, we realize we have a duty to protect all
members of our community regardless of gender, sexual
orientation, age, etc.
We strive to create an environment; a
community that promotes a welcoming atmosphere to all
members; a community that its members can be proud to
say they are a part of. LGSA™ takes a hard stance
against any derogatory terms or actions against its
members. We will enforce a strict code of conduct within
our community and act on items that are distasteful, for
example: sexual harassment, excessive name-calling or
shaming, disrespectful attacks on a personal level, etc.
At the end of the day, we are all here to enjoy a world
outside of the one we live in.

We are here to escape to a
world where we can create a new life with amazing
experiences. Simply put, respect one another; have justification andreasoning for your actions. Simply saying "it's my character" will not be considered a valid response.
Staff is always here to help with any matters or issues that
arise no matter how big or small.

Deathmatching (RDM/VDM):

(Random Death-Match)
No RDM (Random Death Match): Killing/attempting to kill
someone without intending to, roleplay, and start initiation.
Deadly action has to be roleplayed. Killing on-site isn't
allowed because it may be seen as a form of RDM. You
MUST initiate Role-Play before every kill.

1) Someone talked trash about you,
so you withdraw your
firearm and shoot them for it.
2) You provoke a fistfight and then you 
pull your firearm out
and kill them.

(Vehicle Death-Match)
Using your vehicle intentionally as a Weapon.

1) Someone insulted you so you ran them over.
2) Someone accidentally hit your car so you rammed their
vehicle multiple times.


Forceful roleplay doesn't give the other player an
opportunity to roleplay their own response or abusing gamemechanics.

1) Roleplaying that you have superhuman abilities. 
Such as strength or invincibility.
2) /me actions should yield a counteraction (use coin-flips).
3) Do not camp drug locations or spawn camp teleport
points like open firing on people as 
they spawn in an interior or exterior.
4) Constantly speaking over players and not allowing them
to talk or defend themselves.


The use of information gained Illegitimately that will
otherwise Influence a Character's Actions without Prior
Examples of Metagaming:
Cross-Character Knowledge: Once you use information
gained on one character to the advantage of another
character you utilize. Your characters do not have any
knowledge of each other, they can't have a relationship.
For example:
1) Having more than one character with 
an identical family name.
2) Having your criminal confer 
with your cop character as a cousin.
3) Third-party communication: The sharing, selling, or
communicating of data gained in-game to a player out of
game. (Discord is out of game)
4) Stream Sniping: Watching any live stream whilst on the
server, doesn't give you permission to use the knowledge
obtained from streams or videos to influence your
character's action.

Safe/Green Zones:

Hospitals, Law Enforcement Stations, Businesses,
Government approved events.
1) No Crime can occur in these Safe Zones unless a
Scenario you are currently in has led to the place.
2) You can not attempt to get one released from custody
while they're inside a hospital or a Law Enforcement facility.

New Life Rule (NLR) & Revenge Killing:

1) If you're not told about the prior scene that occurred
by somebody that was present you are not allowed to
remember what took place no matter if you are saved by
rescue workers, If you come across the individuals that
put you in the hospital, you must roleplay it out that you
don't remember what they did to you.

Value of Life Rule & Possessions:

Every encounter and situation you undergo, you must value
your life as if it's your own. You can not be fearless in the
face of death or severe harm to your person.

1) An individual holds you up at gunpoint and you refuse to
comply because you're thinking that he's bluffing.
2) Your life is more valuable than your possessions.
You must value your possessions. Some examples of not
valuing possessions are:
1) Dumping your car into the ocean.
2) Ramming into other cars with your vehicle.
3) You must value your freedom
4) Firing your weapon for the exact purpose of going to jail.


/me is used for actions. DO NOT force roleplay with /me
such as "takes keys from pocket". Make sure you build up
the /me actions with "/me starts to search males pockets"
"finds what it seems to be a car key" "steals car key from
pocket". You can also ask questions with /do's such as
"what do I find in males pockets". Do not force roleplay or
you will be punished.
Do not misuse /me when you are dead.

Out Of Character:

While you're within the city, you MUST remain in character
at all times. Complete and Role-Play the Scenario and
Report it to Management afterward to Assist and Resolve
the matters.
1) While in the city, you must stay in character at all times. If you come across a situation that is not going as planned or is starting to become uncomfortable, please TRY your best and role-play it out and if you feel it is necessary, you may contact MANAGEMENT to further help with the situation.
2) PLEASE DO NOT go OOC to go on rants or mention in-
character details or put someone on blast. You should
never break character to rant about how you're going to get
someone banned.
1) Do not mention the server rules in character.
2) Do not mention how you have bodycam footage of an
3) You WILL see some popular streamers on the server, and under NO circumstances should you come into the server looking for that person and addressing them from the OOC NAME you will be banned for it.

In Character Vs Out of Character:

Your In-Character Interactions are to Stay in the City.
Beef/Issues do NOT leave the city. Nothing should turn Out
of Character in any situation.

Offensive Role-Play:

You are NOT Permitted to Sexual Offensive Role-Play,
detailed acts of Torture or Dismemberment, Cannibalism, or other Extremely Morbid Activities without the specific
consent of all participants. If you are obtaining that
permission, the Permission may be withdrawn at any time.
The Role-Play must Occur Privately, this is because many
individuals who haven't given their consent for this sort of
Role-Play might Innocently enter and feel as if they were
Any roleplay that involves committing suicide is not
tolerated under any circumstances.

Gunplay over Role-Play:
Your Character should Exhaust all possible Options before
using Weapons.
1) Negotiations.
2) Fist fights.
3) Fleeing before shooting.
4) Filing Law Enforcement reports.
5) Not engaging in a situation that will end in a gunfight.
6) Shooting while driving.
Roleplaying Injuries:
Everyone MUST Role-Play their injuries when not in a

In-character Terms:

My Head Popped:
(my game crashed).
The Constitution
(Server Rules)
Take a Nap:
(relog into the city).
Instagram live:
(just came back into the city from a ban).
There's a Spider on you:
(jump because you're glitching through the ground).
What's your pockets?:
(what is your ingame ID).
I have Voices in my Head:
(Im hearing other people from your mic).
Make a Prayer:
(Make a report).
That's a Government Issue:
(That's a Staff Issue).

Exploiting Bugs:

You are NOT permitted to use bugs or in-game mechanics
for your own personal gain or to bypass mechanics that are
there to limit unbalanced gameplay

1) Bugs that duplicate items or give money.
2) Any reasonable exploit or bug that provides an in-game
advantage for non-RP gain.
3) Using software to permit crosshairs.
4) Using macros to automate any gameplay.
5) If you discover a bug or issue, you must report it to a
member of management via: Support Tickets, Discord.

Abuse of Game Physics

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas physics and movements in-game are hardcoded and can not be changed via scripting, the following is forbidden to avoid non-roleplay situations:
1) Bunnyhopping (jumping while running around to gain
speed in a situation)
2) Spam Punching (rapid superman punches)
3) Abuse of jobs (spawning a job vehicle to evade Law
Enforcement, etc)
4) Speed Boosting / Zigzagging while in a shootout
5) DON'T exploit any emotes.

Combat Logging:

You should not leave an RP scenario unless it's an OOC
emergency. Leaving during a roleplay scenario without
letting others know will result in a ban. In the event you
crash please return to the server ASAP.
1) If you're in a vehicle pursuit and for some reason, you
crash or disconnect from the server for whatever reason,
You will need to let a member of staff know and let them
know how long it will take you to return to the server.
2) Crashing yourself or leaving to avoid consequences will
result in a ban. If you can't suffer the punishments that are
caused by your actions, then maybe roleplaying as a
criminal is not the right character background you should
go for.

Cop Baiting:

Intentionally baiting law enforcement into chasing you or
provoking them into a gunfight.
1) Ambushes
2) Committing crimes ahead of cops to bait reactions or
chases with no intention of roleplaying a scenario out.

Restricted Areas:

The Robben Island Prison is restricted
(unless you're serving time in Prison, then you're allowed onthat premises).
The only time you are allowed inside the prison is if you're
there to visit or involved in a prison break scenario.

Unrealistic Roleplay:

1) Do not roleplay out acts of terrorism with no reason or rp
2) Bomb threats with no rp.
3) Raiding a Law Enforcement headquarters.
4) Mass shootings.
5) Hijacking of aircrafts.
6) Kidnapping medical or Law Enforcement.
7) Holding a cop up to induce a prisoner out of Law
Enforcement custody.
8) Roleplaying as any reasonably unelected government
official (fake cops, fake emergency services, etc).
9) Federal Agents and Military.
10) Vigilante role-play is not allowed, this includes Hitman

Character Creation:

1) Any nude models/mostly nude models should be kept at
the strip club.
2) Your Character Name should be a Practical name and
will not be Offensive or a Play on Words
3) You are not allowed to wear unrealistic/animal

Law Enforcement Roleplay:

1.) Do not become Law Enforcement to abuse the
2.) Corrupt policing of any kind except scenes that will only
provide RP are not allowed, for instance punching
somebody is allowed, however exploiting the armory you
have access to and giving it to non law enforcement is
strictly forbidden and will result in Permanently being black
lasted from Law Enforcement and will also result in a ban
from GTAMO as a whole.

EMS Roleplay:

DO NOT harm EMS. They're here to assist and roleplay out
their part in your situation.
Roleplay with EMS - They're not here to merely simply pick
you up after being shot or downed. Don't walk past medical
staff at the hospitals.
DO NOT respawn in any situation after you are being treated by EMS.
1) Do not AFK while EMS takes care of you, this is deemed
to be a Failure to Roleplay.
2) If you were downed during a roleplay scenario, don't
respawn if you're near emergency services like Law
Enforcement or medical services.
3) If you are downed you must wait 3 minutes to give
emergency services a chance to arrive on scene before a
friend brings you to the hospital or you /accept death.

Robberies & Scamming:

Robberies are defined as taking Property unlawfully from (a person or place) by force or threat of force. Scamming is
defined as offering a good or service and then refusing to
pay or give it. Robberies and scams must be strictly done in character. Players may scam for Vehicles or properties.
Players may scam/ rob for an unlimited amount of money.
Players are not permitted to rob Law Enforcement and EMS.
Players are allowed to rob all of the cash you are carrying on your persona.
If you plan on stealing from or robbing someone...
1) Players are unable to force other players to withdraw
money from the Bank/ATM.
2) You are unable to force other players to hand over assets that aren't present in the area.
3) You must be wearing a mask when Robbing someone.
4) Robberies are allowed in public view as long as you value your freedom and keep the public view into consideration.
5) You are allowed to rob anybody for any amount of cash.
6) You are allowed to rob someone for their car keys as
long as you had at least 3 or more interactions leading up to the robbery and have clips/recordings of all interactions
leading up to the robbery and the robbery itself, failure to
have the clips/recordings of all the interactions you will
likely lose the vehicle if questioned and may receive a flight.
If a super / luxury car is deliberately left and flaunted about
in the hood, you are allowed to rob the owner for the vehicle without 3 interactions. This however is not the case if someone is driving past the hood to get to their destination.
Please still have your clips / recordings of the interaction
ready if necessary.
7) You can not steal EMS or Law Enforcement vehicles
and/or rob them.
8) You are not allowed to rob a player while they are still
creating their character at spawn.
9) In order to take someone Hostage you MUST have a
physical weapon of some kind in your possession.
10) Hostage situations: 1 hostage = 1 demand
11) The allotment of cash in exchange for a hostage is
$5,000 per hostage, keep in mind if you choose to receive
cash you do not receive any demands whatsoever.
12. You are only able to use 3 hostages for your gain
including demands and money, any other hostages will be
seen as cosmetics only and are there for roleplay purposes.
13. You may not take a "fake" hostage at any time. The
taking of a hostage should be done organically through RP
with a weapon involved.

Chain Robberies:

Doing Chain Robberies are an issue due to the failure to
value your life by not valuing your freedom. You may not kill someone during a robbery unless they bring it upon
themselves by not valuing their lives in which killing is
allowed (only if you were unable to rob the individual).
Players must show value for their life.
1) You may only do ONE robbery per hour
2) Group robberies count together, the rule doesn't apply to
just an individual, it applies to the entire group you're with.
3) You may NOT rob more than one vehicle at once from the same individual.

Crime / Gang-related rules:

1) Initiation before shooting is a must. No shooting on sight unless you have an immediate reason to shoot for example:
if they are aiming a weapon at you. This impacts other
players to then do the same.
2) Gangs are not all about running around and shooting
each other so please do not feel that every gang has to be
hostile and cause problems.
3) You CAN NOT brutally wound or kill your victim if they are complying with your demands.
4) No criminal activity 15 mins before and after server
5) Do not call services (tow, taxi, etc) to rob, kidnap, or
ambush them.
6) Do not swap or repair mid-vehicle pursuit or use the
impound or garage menus. You are allowed to swap
vehicles if you had set up the vehicle somewhere before.
DO NOT go to the garage and take a car out of your garage
7) You can not KILL/ ROB EMS/LEO in any situation while
they are on duty, the only way this will be allowed while the
EMS/LEO is off duty is if there is prior RP which leads to
there being a reason for you to want to KILL/ ROB them.
8) You are not allowed to rob a player while they are still
creating their character at spawn.
9) If players drive a vehicle during a robbery and are caught
using it during a robbery or a murder the Law Enforcement
higher ups will handle taking ownership and subsequent
crushing of the vehicle.
10) NO smash and grabs (robbing places without giving the cops a chance to respond).
11) If you are not involved in a robbery / scene, to avoid
being detained or searched you are advised to stay away
from the area. If an officer has to tell you more than twice,
you will be detained.
12) If Law Enforcement pulls you over you are encouraged
to roleplay the scenario out, meaning do not drive off in the
middle of the scene and don't be quick to shoot the officer.
13) In order to take someone Hostage you MUST have a
physical weapon of some kind in your possession.
14) If you are not a part of an ongoing scene that Law
Enforcement is engaged with, you CAN NOT interfere with
Said scenes.
15) Hostage situations: 1 hostage = 1 demand. The
allotment of cash in exchange for a hostage is $5,000 per
hostage. A Maximum of 3 hostages are permitted
unless you are not trying to receive ransom money from the said hostages in that case you will be permitted up to 5
16) You may not take a "fake" hostage at any time. The
taking of a hostage should be done organically through RP
with a weapon involved.
17) You CAN NOT use a bike directly at the beginning of any robbery, you must have the bike planted in a location prior to the robbery.

Player Kill and Character Kill:

A Player Kill is when you kill your character but do not
remember what happened before your previous death.
You're able to continue to play on that character but you're
not able to attempt to do revenge RP, where you go and
attack the person who ended up killing you.
A Character Kill is when you kill your character as in never
playing on that character ever again. This means ending
that character's life. The character WON'T be able to return.
For a Character Kill to be valid one must have had multiple
interactions which are worthy of wanting to CK somebody
(3+) with the person who is aimed to be Character Killed,
afterwards you would have to file a ticket in the discord
requesting a CK and showing proof of the 3 interactions
valid enough to have the urge to CK somebody, the only
exception to this is in the faction rule where it states, you
are able to begin a CK war as long as both party's leaders
agree and confirm in a faction ticket. (you will need to
confirm in a faction ticket if you are a faction leader
attempting to ck a rogue member.)
Emergency services are immediately unable to be ck'd
unless they are completing criminal activities and you have
all the requirements above^^^


1) If we catch you with cheated items or money and you
retain it for your benefit and do not report it, you will be
Ejected from the community PERMANENTLY for cheating.
2) Any behavior that revolves around constant violence,
gunfights, irritating players, or refusing to roleplay won't be
3) Do not advertise other servers.
4) You should not be wearing masks unless you are
beginning to commit criminal activities
5) When someone is dead carrying/escorting it is
NOT allowed, unless you are EMS/DOC, however, an exception can be made if no EMS/DOC are in
the city. (Refer to EMS Roleplay #3)
6) You are not allowed to be AFK unless one is within a
safezone/greenzone, you will be automatically kicked if you are AFK as emergency services receive a timely paycheck.
7) Do not abuse /drag to fit an extra person in your car.
8) Anything spawned in that is provided from your job is
not able to be sold/given unless your job requires the sale
of it.
8) Body dumping and searching body's while the victim is
dead is not allowed
10) No transferring anything from a past soul to a new
character including anything even jobs, no exceptions.

Streaming & Recording:

DO NOT stream support channels while streaming. Do not
come into support while streaming. We ask that you please
mute your stream and hide your screen. Lets keep this
professional and let's keep our in game issues between
YOU and STAFF anything that is talked about in support
should BE KEPT private for roleplay purposes.

Player Reports and Bans:

These must be done either in-game or through our ticket
system Staff will still need the ID of the person who is
suspected of breaking a guideline or rule. Staff will also
actively enforce community rules and guidelines without
In order for staff to enforce rules without reports, we will
need the players' ID, or typing /report with a short message of the issue.
DO NOT bring up rule breaks In-Character. Please Continue
Role-Playing, After RP Scene is over, Simply clip it and
make a ticket!

Bannable Offenses & TOS Words:

The S-Word (Simp)
The V-Word (Virgin)
The I-Word (Incel)
The R-Word (Retarded) (only tos if used against
another person.)
Racial Slurs, Homophobic & Gender Offensive Slurs
Doxing threats
School Threat Jokes
Showing Nudity
Sexual Noises
NOT Acceptable under ANY circumstances.
NOT tolerated at all on any platform (this includes
Discord, Youtube, etc)